![[title] [title]](https://www.epainassist.com/images/Treatment-for-Shoulder-Joint-Pain-B.jpg)
ok so. what i've got to do. i know you'vehad the first rib maneuver done. but when you start treating people, you've got to findout what side they are. you're either a left or a right. so forward, we already know isthe enemy right. you always see elderly people like this. you never see them like this. right.so they're always stuck forward like that, but is it forward to the left or forward tothe right? so there's a real easy way you can figure that out, by what's called thesit test. is there a way that most people tend to go? left or right? no, you just don'tknow. 50/50. not sure if there's ever been stats done on it. i find it just pretty equal.so what we do. come over and sit right there facing that direction. kind of get in themiddle of the table there a little more. there
you go. so i'm going to put this piece offoam underneath one butt cheek at a time. so stand up. sit down. now does that throwyour body that way a little? nope, nope. just stand up again. and just sit down. does thatthrow your body that way? maybe a little. ok, thanks. stand up. sit down again. doesthat throw your body this way more or less? more. more. so the other side felt more balanced?yes. double check that. stand up, sit down. more balanced right, less pushy? ok. great.so you're a left. so this is very similar to having a car that veers one way or another.see, you're car would be veering to the left. you're body is veering to the left. you'returning this way in a sense. you're going forward and to the left. and i know that becausewhen you're falling to the left and i stick
something underneath the left butt cheek,you're more balanced than if i put it underneath the other butt cheek it throws you more. isn'tthat neat? now do you not even notice it anymore? no. now watch when i take it away. stand up.sit down. it does. i feel like i'm falling. exactly. now you compensate by going whichdirection. you go that way, you go to the right. so that's how that all works. so you'rea left. so we're going to verify that. so stand up. and you can turn around. now whati'm going to do on you is called a meningeal release. and this is a full body stretch.ok. it's a little weird ok. because you might hear some crackling noises throughout yourwhole back. but this will verify the sit test. so lay on your back, feet there, head here,face up. on my back? yes. this will spin you
on the table a little bit here too. and whati'm looking for, after i do this, you get up and you've got a lot more blood comingto your face. and your eyes are all clear. in fact, just stand up for a second. justcome here for a sec. just stand here and face that way. yea, that's a good position. i likethat. and just breathe in, breathe out and let your body relax and let it slump. ok,so you're not slumping a whole lot. ok, so on your back, feet here. let your body relaxhere. ok, so here we go. you're going to spin a little bit. ok, good. come on up. standup. now do you feel more blood coming to your face? i feel like just movement in general.oh yea, it feels like really warm. yes. hot. look in the mirror. oh my gosh. oh my gosh.yea, wow. oh man, yes. you look like a lobster.
looks really dark and red. wow. i could feelthat cracking. did you feel some cracking in there. i didn't hear anything, but that'sfine. ok. do you feel nice and clear in the eyes? it feels, i feel more open. yea. butyour eyes feel nice and clear, vision is all nice? so then you are a left. oh, ok. see,if you would have gotten up...you might have been redder, but you would have been a littlefuzzy in the eyes. i could have gone the other direction and then you would have been a righthad that made you nice and clear. make sense? it's kind of fun that way. now you're aboutthis right height i can put you up on this. so stand there, face that direction. standon this? please. i'm going to have you take that band off too. the band off your head-hair.what? can you take that out. oh sure. yea,
put it on your wrist or something. ok, so.so what i do here, is i've got to find. i've got to differentiate the bones that are outof place in a direction your body can't self correct versus the ones that are compensating.oh ok. so there's two types of bones out of place. there's bones out of place that yourbody can't self correct because you don't have any muscle pulling in the direction needed.and there's bones out of place that your body purposely puts out of place to compensatefor these. so, like you don't have a muscle that can pull backwards right? for any ofthese. those are the ones i'm after. the ones that are stuck forward or stuck in a directionyour body can't self correct. because with the hips they can be stuck either direction.and so i can check all those with this little
test. so what i do is this test where i pushon a vertebra and then there's these little notches i fall into right at the top of yourneck. do you feel me fall into those little grooves. you can't feel the grooves, but myfingers stop there and basically all i'm looking at is the height difference. so i can tellwhat needs to be treated and what doesn't. so let's start here. so bring your head down.bring it up look straight. thank you. that's negative. head backwards. look straight. anddo it again but don't go quite so far. there you go. straight. i don't want your body tomove. turn your head to the right. look straight. head to the left. look straight. ok so that'sour first positive. good have a seat. another neck maneuver on you here. now i call thema neck maneuver, but it's really a meningeal
release because i'm stretching you from thehead all the way down to the tailbone. the coccyx bone. so it's going to be a full bodystretch. ok good. so let your body go. loose, loose. oh gosh. stand up. you feel a littlemore awake? i do feel...yea...more and more. i was really tired. yea. good. stand and facethat way again. so we're done with all the neck ones so. ok, back to the wall. we'lldo the first rib maneuver again. so, i'll do the regular one, then the modified one.i'll let you cough. oh, you didn't have to cough this time. notice how i back off. andthen do. ok. wow, that actually cracked. now drop em. yea, that feels better doesn't it?ok, now give yourself a big hug. right hand on top. what am i doing? give yourself a huglike that. maybe not quite that hard. so now
what i'm going to do is. i'm going to. thisis real light. just drop your head a little bit. head down. there you go. up that way.that made a lot of noise. that was fun. so what i do is go through every bone that iknow has that problem where it can't self correct in every direction. and i check itand fix it. so these are all compensating so i leave them be. good. and back to thewall here. so this bone is forward. ok. how do i get it backwards? i block the vertebrabelow with my fist, you give yourself a hug, and i push from the front like i just did.ok. give yourself a hug. other way. under over. drop your arms. head down a little bit,then bend down to this point right here. keep going. there you go, relax. there you go.up that way. now that bone went backwards.
it did. it did what it had to do. it did whatit had to do yes. it feels different to doesn't it? let's go over here. we do this a littledifferently. this is hard to get up against the wall. sometimes impossible to get up againstthe wall. sit there, legs in the other direction. come over to the left a little more. staysitting up. yep, there you go. now this is going to be behind you and i'm going to rollyou over. my fist will be on here to and i'm going to roll you over this blob. line yourselfup a little more. come over here. come over a little more. there you go. give yourselfa big hug. i don't do anything on this other than guide you back. tuck your head. let yourbody roll back. all the way down. keep going. let your feet turn out. there you go. rolloff my hand there. did you feel it move at
the end there? i think you finally relaxed.come on up. i just don't know what to expect. i know it's your first time. i know, i know,i just don't know. you're doing great. ok. are you feeling comfortable with it all? ifeel like everything is moving. like my circulation is back or something. do you notice how paleyou were? ok and during the winter it's probably even worse because you don't have any tan.that's because of your heart being compressed. so. oh... oh, that makes sense because i wasjust so like. wasn't able to fully circulate the blood because i was so compressed in.yes. that makes sense. you see what happens is the heart, when it's relaxed, it elasticallyexpands to its normal size. now when it contracts then it squishes down to a small size to pushthe blood out. but it has to elastically expand
again. well if it's already being compressed,it can only expand to maybe 60 or 70 percent of it's normal, hence the paleness. so asi open up the back and open up the chest the heart will be able to open up more, suck inmore blood during the relaxation phase. and then pump more blood out to you. that's whyi always look like i have a tan. yea. so right now, don't you notice this red tint to me?maybe. it's kind of red and brown a little bit. yea, yea. well the brown, the brownercolor is tan, the redder color is blood flow. so during the winter time i have that redcolor to me all the time. a very deep dark red. so come on up. and so will you. you canget that back in anybody. so we got that. so now i'm moving on to sacrum and i'll dothe hips. these are other bones that have
that same issue. ok, those were all negative.so lets do your feet. so lay on your back head up there, feet here. now this is justa little plunger, spring loaded thing. i use it on your feet. the worst it will do is tickle.so relax here. you don't have a muscle that can do this. no muscles that can do that.are these tender on you? i saw a face. carrie, are those tender. are those tender. no, it'sok. you also don't have muscles that can pull this direction. see, if you had a muscle thatcould pull this direction it would have to attach to a wall or something like that becausethere's no where for it to go. now if muscles could push and pull, there would be no reasonfor chiropractors, pt's. most of our problems would be solved. i'm pushing these bones upwardin a direction they cannot self correct. ok,
slide up a few inches. that way, headward.so your feet are on the table. relax your leg. squish you in the chest here, pushingthese ribs back. deep breath in. more air in there huh. ok good, so sit up. and youcan come up and face the mirror here. now do you feel a little fuzzy? just a littleweird in the eyes? no, ok. ok, so i'm going to roll you over my hand here again. so comeon over, sit right there, legs that way. slide back. come over to the left a little more.that way i don't have to bend over as far. give yourself a big hug. stay up, tuck yourhead. let your body roll back. keep going. there we got it. that moved right away. ok,come on up. face the mirror. do you feel a little clearer now, in the eyes. yes. isn'tthat interesting? so what happens, when i
pull on the feet and i flick the leg i canthrow the low back out a little bit. just a little bit, but it's enough to tug on thespinal cord all the way up to the brain stem and make you feel a little weird. it's almostunavoidable. you just go back and redo it afterwards. and back to the wall here. giveyourself a big hug. stay tall. feet back a little bit more. there you go. head down justa touch. did you feel that? come on up. so we're almost done. so breathe in, breatheout now and let your body relax. a little something in here yet. back to the wall. abig hug again. feet back just a little more. there you go. and start up straight. headup. now bring your head down. a little more, a little more. good. come on up. and breathein, breathe out and let your body relax. still
something in this area. there it is, backto the wall. give yourself a big hug. back a little bit more. drop your arms a littlebit. fall forward. fall forward. more, more more, relax. come on up. feeling those littleshifts? huh huh. now breathe in, breathe out and let your body relax. there's still something.back to the wall. give yourself a big hug. keep your head up. drop your head. come onup. now breathe in, breathe out. how does that feel? feel a lot better? back to thewall. give yourself a big hug. fall forward. there's a whole bunch of things opening uphere at the end. yea, does that feel good? lot more air huh? yeh, i feel like i'm inan oxygen bar or something. oxygen bar... so come over, lets have you stand here. ah,wow. stand where you were before or turn around.
i'll have you breathe in and breathe out forthe camera. that's a lot more uprightedness there. what do you think? it's amazing. waydifferent isn't it? before i could feel such a huge difference in my shoulders, but nowi feel like my entire trunk, my entire body is more. i can actually feel it. more inline,straighter. and now. before i felt straight here, but now i feel straight everywhere.yes, that's why that's just a demonstration. it doesn't do the whole thing. yes, yes. it'sa good demonstration though. yes, it is. it's a good place to start. and then you move downand do everything else. it shows people you can actually do what you say. you can changethe posture, that's why it's a great demo. but that's what it is. every time you comein i run through the same protocol, find the
things your body can't self correct, fix themand send you on your way. that's really all there is to it. and your body slowly unwindsand untwists all these icky locked areas in your body. and unlocks all that stuff andyour posture pops up, and gets better and better and better. and you can breathe moreand more. yea, because your breathing is going to get a lot better than that. but look inthe mirror. your color looks better. i know. i feel like...in my cheeks. my cheeks arejust like. i feel like, and just all over. i feel it down my arms, like blood is flowing.i've always had cold hands and feet and i already feel like there's more blood flowto the hands. yea. so yea, look at that. that's amazing. yea, if you've ever seen pale peoplewalking along. you'll see that they have a
sunk in chest and their back is flat in theback. so instead of having a thoracic curve and a chest that kind of bows out, they'reactually bowed in and this is sunk. so it squishes the heart from both ends. and that'show i was. that's how it felt like i was. i could feel it. i could feel the... you weremore crushed in the front than you were in the back but yea. it can be either one orboth. when it's really both then you're white as a ghost. and i've seen that. i've seenthat on people and oh my gosh, but you know. it's wild. so anyway thanks. yes, thank you.
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