![[title] [title]](http://www.naturalremedies.org/wp-content/uploads/gout.jpg)
[music playing] hamilton morris: let'sgo find out what we're eating for breakfast. it's hard boiledeggs and bread. and that would appearto be it. [speaking foreign language] hamilton morris: theaccumulating mosquito bites are starting to cripple me. i can barely use myhands anymore.
i count 52 bites on my left handand 51 bites on my right hand, which is so swolleni cannot make a fist. got me on my bellyreally badly. it's just, like, all in hereis incredibly itchy. it just started raining. and it was pouringfor a while. now it's just drizzling. the sun is going tocome out soon. and we've been assured by ourhost, petro, that the frog
will sing tonight. and in the meantime, i thinkwe're just going to wait in our hammocks and try to escapethe swarms of insects until the sun sets. i give petro a copy of vice andhe indicates that it would make good masturbationmaterial. the rain ends and the midday sunbreaks through the clouds. the heat and the insects comeback with a vengeance. i've barely leftthe hut today.
it's actually so hot thati can barely stand. and even if i were to leave thehut, there is very, very little to do. actually, just laying in thehammocks, you can hear the sound, the collective sound ofall the insects swarming around everything. it's just like a loud buzz. and the sun is so hotthat i would-- well, i mean, i actually haven'tbeen outside today.
i'll go outside andhave a look. well, actually i justtook a ritalin. so i'm feeling sortof energetic. maybe i'll go outside andsee what's going on. oh. it's not that bad. paradise. oh, my god. these animals.
holy shit. oh, this is just swarmingaround. i'm already covered in own bloodfrom these creatures. well, this is why i'mstaying inside. it's terrifying. night comes and we sithalf awake, listening for the frog song. while writing in my diary, ihear some commotion outside. i decide to go outand investigate.
we just ran into some troublebecause the chief's son got news on the radio that funaiis coming to check on this tribe in a couple days, probablyeven tomorrow. and we still haven'tfound the frog. funai is the brazilianorganization that protects these indigenous groups. and if they find out that we'rehere without a license, we're here illegally, we'll haveto get the fuck out of here without the frog.
and i have a feeling our guidewill be in big trouble. so it's essential that we getthe frog tonight, and that funai doesn't arrest us all. around 2:00 in the morning thesapo sings and again we all rush into the jungle. [making animal sounds] hamilton morris: petro,our host, calls to it every now and then. but i don't think he's havingany luck finding it.
i'm not sure normally how longit takes to find it. hamilton morris: nowit's morning. we're trying to figureout what to do. funai is on its way. they'll be arriving today. the frog sang. but we were unable to find it. and now it's day. so we don't know whatthe fuck to do.
this is our third day withthe mayoruna indians. i have mosquito induced shellshock and swat constantly at insects that arenot even there. there you go. we hand out batteries,pens, notebooks, t-shirts, and other trash. as a parting gift, petro's wifegives me a grass bracelet she had just made. we have officiallyrun out of food.
but fortunately, a childoffers to kill a chicken for us. hamilton morris: didn'tcatch the frog. funai is coming. we've got to run. moments before we killed it,the chicken ran away. so onward. the child eventually finds andkills the chicken and brings its limp body back to us.
as he plucks the dead chicken,juan tells us of another place down river where we might beable to find the frog. goodbye. it's nice to meet all of you. we say goodbye to the mayorunaand get out of there fast to avoid funai. hamilton morris: i loved them. they were great. i learned a lot.
it was time thatwe went though. we started heading towardsthe floating home of a shaman downriver. we all sincerely hope that hecan help us find the frog. we're at this house right nowtrying to buy some fresh fish from the river. the house is absolutely coveredin butterflies. and looks pretty nice. ah, little chicks.
this is just like the house ofincredibly cute animals, coming from hell into the chickand butterfly sanctuary. oh, yeah. that's fresh fish. hamilton morris: we were givena bag of fresh fish for free which is extremely unusualconsidering we had to pay about 150,000 batteries, and6,000 cigarettes, and 100 million t-shirts forthis earlier. it's very nice toget a free fish.
hamilton morris: we'reapproaching the shaman's house right now. in a few minutes we'll knowfor sure whether or not he can help us. hamilton morris: oh, wow. look at that. can you ask them if thetoucan is friendly? and there's a small monkeywalking around on the ground. oh, it's the most incrediblycute thing i've
ever seen in my life. i just want to rubit's little head. it seems like there's a lotof wildlife around here. so we're going to go out on aboat later tonight looking for the frog and see whatwe can dig up. this is our dinner tonight,four fish for six people. i'm extremely hungry. they're not especiallybig fish. but we can supplement it withcanned wieners if i'm still
hungry afterwards. our captain is out fishingas we speak. so hopefully we'll grab afew more by dinner time. we drag nets through the waterbefore dinner, but keep catching the candirupenis fish. it's truly a horrifying site,with razor sharp retractable fangs which whip in and out ofit's face in a split second. hamilton morris: apparently,it like to swim up assholes as well.
i think i'll avoidbathing a bit. we eat rice and riverfish for dinner. if the shaman's home haseverything from toucan to penis fish, i am confidentwe will find the frog. it's 4:30 in the morning. we heard the frog. our host jumped into a canoeand went out to find it. we haven't seen him since. and i don't know what'sgoing on.
he's somewhere outin the trees. i wait one hour forhim to come back. this is becoming verydiscouraging. i begin to wonder if we'reever going to find this mysterious little frog. it's day six. the shaman just arrived. we ask him if he could helpus with the frog. he said he wasn't sure.
but in the meantime, he saidthat he could help us brew some ayahuasca. it's not my first timedrinking ayahuasca. they've been saying that ifyou've had it in the united states, it's notthe same thing. it's a much stronger-- [spanish] --in the amazon. and we've got nothing else to dowhile we wait for the frog,
so why not? hamilton morris: we're trekkingthrough the forest right now collecting thenecessary plants to brew some ayahuasca. they said it was onlytwo minutes in. but it looks like it mightbe a bit further. this is our first expeditionon dry land. hamilton morris: myfeet are in pain. i'm getting blistersfrom these fucked
up boots we're wearing. it's too thick to move. we're really, seriously deepin the jungle right now. i'm keeping an eye out for thefrog while we're here. but i somehow doubt it's thisdeep in the jungle. hamilton morris: he found it. hamilton morris: i believe thisis the ayahuasca vine. although it looks differentfrom what i've seen in the past.
hamilton morris: there is aninevitable confusion when discussing ayahuasca becausethey are about 150 different names for it. it's not just onespecific thing. it's a mixture ofplants as well. the vine alone does not producethe psychedelic experience. the vine activates a dmtcontaining plant. but in and of itself, it's notespecially interesting.
i ask for different dmtcontaining plants, but he does not have access toany of them. hamilton morris: we'rein the middle of this drug infested forest. there's plants everywhere. dmt is an incrediblycommon substance to be found in plants. there are hundredsand hundreds of dmt containing plants.
but this guy doesn't knowabout any around here. he only has this maoi containingvine, which will fuck me up most definitely,but is not what i'm looking for. without the dmt, the vine islike 1/50 of the experience. it won't make me hallucinate. it won't give me cosmicrevelation. i'll just be out of it forsix hours or something. i think it's best that we takethe vine and use it later once
we find some dmt containingplants. and in the meantime,wait for the frog. now we've got to go back toour house on the river and wait for night time. hopefully the frogwill show up. and all of this willbe worth it. but as of now, this istotally fucked up. we made it out alive. so that's that, a weekof pain and terror.
and i'm frogless in the amazonwith half of the plants needed to make ayahuasca. we just heard the frog sing. juan and the captain went outin one of the canoes. they're in the woods rightnow looking for the frog. and hopefully they'llcatch it. hamilton morris: the captainstarted climbing it, but stuck his hand in a beehive andhad to paddle away. they're going to wait until theday and then try and chop
down the tree and catchthe frog that way. we're getting closer. male speaker: hamilton,come on. they found the frog. hamilton morris: early in themorning, a miracle happens. the shaman finds the frog in thejungle and leaves it for us in a nearby tree. hamilton morris: wow. wow.
it's just a beautiful,gigantic creature. we've been searching forthis for five days now. i can't even believe it. we finally have it. we actually caught the frog. we actually have it. [sighs] hamilton morris: phyllomedusabicolor. come, come to me.
is it on my head? [laughter] hamilton morris: where is it? where is it? it's on my ass? male speaker: yeah,on your ass. hamilton morris: is it hangingoff the bottom of my ass? male speaker: yes, it is. hamilton morris: really?
well, can somebody getit off my ass? where is it actually? male speaker: onyour ass still. he likes it there. hamilton morris: come to me. it has strange rubber fingers. it could be placebo, but i sweari can feel a sensation in my hands from whereit's touched me. hamilton morris: we got on theboat and started rowing
towards the mouthof the jungle. male speaker: whoa! he jumped! hamilton morris: suddenly, thefrog dives into the river. i peer over the boat. but he's already 10 feet away,jetting through the water towards a tree. hamilton morris: the shaman'sson steps into a canoe and cuts him off in the water.
the frog jumps insidethe canoe. and we carry him to the shore. hamilton morris: we're settingup posts right now. and they're going to string upthe frog by its arms and legs and then scape itsskin secretions. juan and the captain tie highgrass ropes around his arms and legs as if you was aboutto be drawn and quartered. hamilton morris: once the frogis strung up completely, then we'll start to tickle it.
and hopefully it will start tosweat out it's venom, which contains a number ofpsychoactive drugs. they string the frog upvertically and then start to jab his sides with a sharpenedstick to encourage him to secrete the venom. this is being donefor my sake. and it's making mea bit queasy. the frogs starts to glistenwith psychoactive jelly. the jelly is gathered ontoa wooden pallet.
the captain volunteersto go first. he's the only person who's usedthe sapo in the past. and he's the only person,besides myself, who intends to use it now. hamilton morris: ok. so he's about to burnour captain. and then he's going to put thetoad secretion in the burn.
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